Hi, I'm Ace. Did you know that you have taste? The Tongue says you do! And so do I.
I believe that, until proven delicious, every man, woman, and child celery in this country is disgusting.
And that's why I fight for you, Neocities!

Better Face Ace!

Testimonials From SURVIVORS of Celery

My close friend, Dani, has been found to be a fellow celery hater, quoted to have said,
i remember the first time i witnessed and tasted celery as a kid [...] it tasted like EVIL to me.

...Do not believe me? Look at this STRIKING piece of evidence provided HERE!!!

ALSO provided here is an IMAGE of Dani holding celery...

Dani holds celery with a disgruntled look on their face

Look at the TRUE DISGUST on her face!!!